• Functions and Roles

Functions and Roles

Technoparks are base institutions for nurturing local industries by forming an organic cooperative networks with the regions innovative institutions including industry, academy, researchs and governments, creating strategies and plans that fit the regions circumstances and characteristics and by discovering knowledge-based and small-but-technologically-capable businesses.

Strategy and Policy Planning for Fostering Knowledge-Based Local Industry
In order to forster regional industry that fits local circumstances and industry characteristics, technoparks form mid- and long-term strategies and policies, assess and manage regional businesses to ensure the highest results.Mid- and long-term strategies and policy planning for local industries, identification and planning of local new growth engine industries, organizational management strategy planning, local project evaluation and management and more.
Nurturing Small-but-Strong Businesses Through Creating and Supporting Technologically Innovative Businesses
As a single portal for new business creation, technological innovation, nurturing tech-based industries, technoparks provide infrastructures, create business environments and operate various business support programs to incubate small-but-strong businesses.
  • Business Supports

    Securing state-of-the-art equipments and facilitate sharing them. Support for production and prototyping. Provision of office space, technical and managerial consulting service. Support for local and global marketing. Nurturing and supply of capable workforce, etc.

  • Business Creation

    Discover renowned technological businesses and support for business creation. Technological transfer and commercialization of transferred technologies. Securing high-tech businesses.

  • Technological Innovation

    Discovery and promotion of innovative technologies through industry-academy-research cooperation. Vitalizations of technological transfer and transaction. Education and training of new technologies, etc.

Strengthen Cooperation Among Related Parties Through Forming Local Networks
In order to ensure effective and efficient industry nurturing, Technoparks establish an organic and cooperative network with related parties in the region and strengthen the tie, relation and cooperation between them.Operation of committee for academy-industry cooperation, establishment of technological innovation system for the region, structuring and operation of global network system, etc.